WARNING - Please be careful not to injure yourself or others whilst viewing VR scenes!

Problems viewing? Try our hosted version here
Use Chrome browser for best results.

Add another dimension of fun to your party!
Explore the 360° image on your mobile device to find clues about suspects' secret pasts.
This VR scene makes a great conversation starter and can be viewed as guests arrive, or at any time
during your party - you can even share the link with your guests beforehand to
build anticipation for the big night! VR evidence is entirely optional
and isn't required to solve the murder mystery.

Desktop users - Move around the image by clicking and dragging with the mouse.
Mobile users - Move your device to view the full scene.
Google Cardboard - just click the Google Cardboard icon!

If you're unable to view this 360° VR image:
1) Try refreshing the web page (F5 on PC, CMD +R on Mac)
2) Update to the latest browser version for Chrome, Firefox or Safari.
3) Try viewing on another PC or device.